Cardiac Procedures


Peripheral Angiogram

A peripheral angiogram is a simple procedure that uses X-rays and dye to help the physician find narrowed or blocked areas in one or more of the arteries that supply blood to the legs. This is to determine if a surgical procedure is needed to open the blocked areas.   Peripheral Angioplasty is one such procedure. It uses a balloon catheter to open the blocked artery from the inside. A stent (a small wire mesh tube) is generally placed in the artery after angioplasty to help keep it open.

Left and right heart Catheterization

A simple procedure that involves insertion of a catheter (a thin flexible tube) into the left or right side of the heart to view and treat certain types of heart conditions. The procedure may also be done to repair certain types of heart defects, open a clogged heart valve or open obstructed arteries or bypass grafts

Carotid Angiogram

An invasive imaging procedure that involves inserting a catheter into a blood vessel in the arm or leg, and guiding it to the carotid arteries with the aid of a special x-ray machine. This is used to detect atherosclerosis (narrowing or blockage) and determine risk for future stroke.